Effective Measures Planned for River and Stream Channelization: Minister Shandil
- October 4, 2023
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Health Minister Colonel Dhaniram Shandil announced that effective measures will be taken for the channelization of rivers and streams to reduce the damage caused by heavy rains. Speaking during a review meeting of relief and rehabilitation work in disaster-affected areas of Kangra district on Wednesday at the NICS auditorium in Dharamshala, he emphasized that the state government is fully committed to the rehabilitation of disaster-affected people. In this direction, the Chief Minister has announced a state package of 4,500 crores to provide relief to the victims.
He noted that this is the first time in the history of the state that such a massive tragedy has occurred, and the Chief Minister has shown great dedication and unwavering courage in dealing with it.
Under the MLA Development Fund, provisions have been made for retaining walls and the embankment of streams. Under this fund, two crore ten lakhs have been allocated for each constituency in the current fiscal year for the construction of retaining walls and embankment of streams. In addition, all districts are being allowed to spend unspent funds under SDRF for the embankment of streams and retaining walls for disaster-affected homes.
He mentioned that in the event of natural disasters, assistance will be provided to the affected households in rural areas under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). After obtaining approval from the District Program Coordinator, MGNREGA, for all such works, as per MGNREGA guidelines, a sum of up to one lakh rupees will be provided for the benefit of the individual beneficiary.
खड्डों तथा नालों के चैनलाईजेशन के लिए सरकार उठाएगी कारगर कदम
- स्वास्थ्य मंत्री कर्नल धनीराम शांडिल ने कहा है कि खड्डों तथा नालों के चैनलाईजेशन के लिए उपयुक्त कदम उठाए जाएंगे ताकि बरसात के कारण होने वाले नुक्सान को कम किया जा सके।
- उन्होंने कहा कि राज्य सरकार आपदा प्रभावितों के पुनर्वास को लेकर कृतसंकल्प है।
- मुख्यमंत्री ने 4500 करोड़ रुपये का स्टेट पैकेज घोषित कर प्रभावितों के जख्मों पर मरहम लगाया है।
- कर्नल धनीराम शांडिल ने कहा कि अब विधायक क्षेत्र विकास निधि के तहत आपदा प्रभावित परिवारों को घरों के लिए रिर्टेंनिंग वॉल तथा नालों के तटीकरण का प्रावधान किया गया है।
- उन्होंने कहा कि प्राकृतिक आपदा में ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में जिन परिसंपत्तियों का नुक्सान हुआ है उनको मनरेगा के अंतर्गत मदद प्रदान की जाएगी।
- मुख्यमंत्री सुक्खू ने पूरी तरह से क्षतिग्रस्त घर के लिए मिलने वाले एक लाख 30 हजार रुपये के मुआवजे को साढ़े पांच गुणा बढ़ाकर 7 लाख रुपये कर दिया है।
- इसके अतिरिक्त कच्चे घर को आंशिक नुकसान पर प्रदत 4000 रुपये मुआवजे को 25 गुणा बढ़ाकर एक लाख रुपये जबकि पक्के घर को आंशिक नुकसान पर मिलने वाली 6500 रुपये की धनराशि को साढ़े 15 गुणा बढ़ाकर एक लाख रुपये किया गया है।
- कांगड़ा जिला में प्रभावितों को कुल 5 करोड़ 93 लाख 7 हजार 815 रूपये की आर्थिक सहायता सरकार द्वारा अब तक उपलब्ध करवाई गई है।
मुख्य बिंदु:
- खड्डों तथा नालों के चैनलाईजेशन के लिए सरकार उठाएगी कारगर कदम।
- राज्य सरकार आपदा प्रभावितों के पुनर्वास को लेकर कृतसंकल्प है।
- मुख्यमंत्री ने 4500 करोड़ रुपये का स्टेट पैकेज घोषित किया।
- विधायक क्षेत्र विकास निधि के तहत आपदा प्रभावित परिवारों को घरों के लिए रिर्टेंनिंग वॉल तथा नालों के तटीकरण का प्रावधान।
- प्राकृतिक आपदा में ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में मनरेगा के अंतर्गत मदद प्रदान की जाएगी।
- मुख्यमंत्री ने पूरी तरह से क्षतिग्रस्त घर के लिए मुआवजा राशि बढ़ाकर 7 लाख रुपये की।
- कांगड़ा जिला में प्रभावितों को 5 करोड़ 93 लाख रुपये की आर्थिक सहायता।
खड्ड, नाला, चैनलाईजेशन, सरकार, कदम, आपदा, प्रभावित, पुनर्वास, स्टेट पैकेज, मुआवजा, आर्थिक सहायता
Compensation for damaged houses increased to seven lakhs:
He said that Chief Minister Sukhu is working day and night for the people of drought-stricken areas. The compensation for completely damaged houses for the affected families has been increased from one lakh 30 thousand rupees to seven lakhs. In the state, 3500 houses have been completely damaged due to the disaster. In addition to this, for partial damage to a kucha house, an amount of one lakh rupees, which was earlier given as 4000 rupees, has been increased by 25 times. For partial damage to a pucca house, the compensation amount of 6500 rupees has been increased to one lakh. Goshalas will be provided an economic assistance of 50,000 rupees in place of 3000 rupees for loss. For tenant shopkeepers, the compensation for the goods lost has been increased from 2500 rupees to one lakh rupees, 20 times. He said that the number of such affected people is 1909.
Economic assistance of 5 crores 93 lakhs to disaster-affected in Kangra district:
On this occasion, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Nipun Jindal said that a total of Rs 5 crore 93 lakh 7 thousand 815 rupees has been provided by the government to the affected people in Kangra district. He also distributed 863 tarpaulins and 15 tents to the affected. Ration kits and food items were given to 240 families. In the district, a total of 6 relief camps have been set up by the government. 2 in Dhira, 3 in Jwalamukhi, and one relief camp in Nurpur are currently operational. During the rescue from the Pong Dam area, 5 relief camps were set up in Indora and Fatehpur as well. Approximately 175 people are currently staying in relief camps. During the rescue in Indora and Fatehpur, around a thousand people were provided with accommodation, food, health check-ups, and vaccination facilities for pregnant women and children in relief camps.