‘Gadar 2’ में मचा गदर, पाकिस्तानी नारे पर भिड़े ऑडियंस

‘Gadar 2’ में मचा गदर, पाकिस्तानी नारे पर भिड़े ऑडियंस

During the viewing of ‘Gadar 2’, a few individuals with a personal agenda managed to stir up the social environment. They raised pro-Pakistani slogans, which led to a strong reaction from the Hindu community, expressing their disapproval. This incident has gained traction on social media platforms.

Amid the ensuing bilateral tension, some prominent members of the Hindu community vocally criticized those who had voiced support for Pakistan. Consequently, a few individuals took matters into their own hands and physically confronted those who had chanted the slogans, underscoring the fact that such behavior would not be tolerated in the country.

This episode has illuminated the depth of emotions surrounding nationalistic sentiments and unity.

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