Indian Literature and Science Can Guide the World

Indian Literature and Science Can Guide the World

Indian Literature and Science Can Guide the World

Indian Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla spoke at a three-day international conference in Shimla, India, on the potential of Indian literature and science to guide the world. He emphasized the important role that learned societies in modern India play in the development of science and literature.

Shukla noted that India has made significant advancements in science and is known worldwide for its rich cultural heritage and ancient scriptures. He also pointed out that India’s cultural, economic, and spiritual prosperity has attracted foreigners for centuries.

The Governor said that it is a matter of pride that Indian culture, customs, and traditions are followed globally, and he stressed the need to preserve them for future generations. He also said that it is the responsibility of all to guide the new generation by registering their participation in the preservation and promotion of Indian cultural heritage.

Shukla also planted a sapling and released a book on Nirguna Bhakti in Eastern India on the occasion.

Other dignitaries who spoke at the conference included:

  • Dr. Atul Kothari, National Secretary of Shiksha Sanskriti Uthan Nyas, New Delhi
  • Prof. Nageshwar Rao, Director of IIAS Shimla
  • Prof. Shashiprabha Kumar, Chairperson of IIAS Shimla (virtually)
  • Rajesh Sharma, Secretary to the Governor
  • Mehar Chand Negi, Fellow and Program Coordinator
  • Dr. Siddharth Satyarthi

The conference was a success, and it highlighted the potential of Indian literature and science to guide the world. Scholars from all over India participated in the conference, and they discussed the various ways in which Indian literature and science can be used to address global challenges.

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